Art Mall in Nihonbashi

Nihonbashi area, Tokyo, has long played such a huge role in Tokyo's economic growth since Edo Era, between 1603 and 1868.

It is even said that the scale of its downtown back then was larger than one in Paris or London.

That energetic vibe seems still alive in the area judging from the existence of numerous stylish & creative businesses there.

Art Mall 

What I put my focus on this time is one of the art galleries in the area, Art Mall, relatively new place established in 2016.

Despite its tiny space which consists of 2 floors, their passion that they really want to make art more friendly and integrated into people's every day life is way bigger than its building.

Mr. Nice Guy

Mr. Kubo, the manger I got connected with on Twitter says, "My industry colleagues & I have been concerned about the future of art in our society. 

Though we have a wonderful collection of artworks owned displayed by diverse museums & galleries across Tokyo, visiting them or appreciating those masterpieces have been recognized as the prestigious leisure for affluent people or elderly. 

"Of course, art shouldn't be so"

"And that's how this small gallery which exclusively displays & sells reasonably priced small artworks started last year." He added with smile.

Meet Talented Artists!

Its 2nd floor is used for a private exhibition, generally lasts 7 to 10 days span. On the day I visited, illustrator Anri Terasaka's event was being held. 

As you can feel from her appearance, she reflects her love for Japan's Taisho Era (1912-1926) on her every single work.

In order to make a vintage vibe, she even gives a aged finish to the paper she draws on using coffee & other stuff.

What turned out to be in common between her and me was being attracted by train & street car, which often appear in her creation. 

One of her artworks is tittled as "Shortcut To The Station Underground Diner" proving where the inspiration came from.

This spiral, curvy composition she is really good at definitely leads you to the "Parallel World" she creates!

Don't miss the chance to meet talented artists like her at Art Mall in Nihonbashi!

Thanks for reading.

Art Mall 



Tokyo Metro Mitsukoshi-Mae Sta.

3-5 min walk from A1/A4/A5 exit

Anri Terasaka



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 3e-Tokyo Project

Tokyo As It Is

by 3e-Tokyo Project


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